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Synergy Spotlight - Joan Wilson

When did you Join Synergy, and what attracted you to the company?   

I joined Synergy in November of 2022. I heard about the company from a former work colleague who spoke glowingly of the company.  This piqued my interest and led me to where I am today. Of course I read up everything I could about the company beforehand, liked what I saw,  and that’s precisely what attracted me.


How have your previous skills helped you in your current role to date? 

Outreach and relationship building was an integral part of my international role in An  Garda Siochana. Security awareness of course is a given, that was my bread and butter. Questioning,analysing, anticipating and being proactive are skills common to many jobs. Working at Synergy in my current role is no different. What strikes me is the synergy, if you’ll pardon the turn of phrase, between working in both An Garda Siochana family and the Synergy family. While there are very obvious differences, it’s a natural teaming with transferable skills and a complementary attitude to service delivery . 


How has your experience with the company been since you started?

I am really enjoying the professionalism of Synergy. I admire its core values and I see that  it’s not a company that is only profit driven. Corporate Social Responsibility is something that is taken very seriously. Excellence through people is promoted with support and training for staff. Honesty, professionalism  and integrity are guaranteed in the service provided and that’s something very important to me personally. I can feel my loyalty mounting already in such a short time.  My sense of identity largely came from being part of the Garda family prior to this. At Synergy I still feel like part of the family as there is a great support network.


How would you describe your team?  

My team is very busy but always supportive and definitely open to listening to new ideas in a growing role. They are interested in the success of their people. Whether it’s rewarded financially in extra  meritorious awards or training and growth opportunities, this gives you a sense of value. 


What do you feel is the most interesting element of your role? 

It’s new and it’s growing. There is a lot to learn and there are many relationships to build. Synergy is anything but stagnant in the world of security so I’m certain  that grass won’t be growing under my feet. I hit the ground running on the operational level, but I am very excited about the strategic goals we’re hurtling towards. The footprint of Synergy in Portugal has potential for exponential increase. I believe the standards that Synergy brings to Portugal can showcase us to Irish, Portuguese and International companies invested here as an all encompassing  Security Centre of Excellence. I’m delighted to be part of this at such a time.


What do you find most challenging about your role? 

The transition from the public sector to the private sector and the corporate world has presented a whole new learning curve but there are best practices to be taken from both. I read about the imposter syndrome related to professionals who moved into corporate conglomerate working environments. At times I have felt this but then I remember the wealth of experience I have thus far accumulated and am happy to be in a position to team both worlds.

Do you feel your work and efforts have been recognised? If so, How?

I do. It’s early days but I have regular support and check ins from senior management and steering for assurance that I am staying on the desired track. I am also provided with the necessary tools to do my job efficiently. 

What advice would you provide to someone interested in joining the security Industry?  

Go for it. There are so many  different opportunities available at Synergy.  I believe that so many people who may never have considered the Private Security industry as a career choice should think twice.Each, with our own background and experience, has plenty to give , plenty to learn and will find a fit here.  I thrill when I hear of success stories of the  hard work of small companies who rise to multi million profit entities and vie proudly with the big corporate competitors, even more so when I hear of workers who start off as Security Guards and rise to being Global or Regional security managers with managerial and administrative skills that would blow the mind of any MBA professor. It seems there is something for every skill set here and if you are prepared to work it’s worth betting a career on.